Ashton Birch”
Ashton Birch is committed to excellence and strives to provide best services to its clients whilst offering complete transparent with its fees and charges.
How we charge for our work will depend on the complexity and scope of the work required. We will always work with you to agree a fee that fairly reflects the work which needs to be done. In appropriate cases, where you have regularly instructed us, we will discuss working on a fixed fee basis. Full details of our charging rates, our estimate or fixed quote, and the timescales for payment of our fees will be set out in our engagement letter and in our Terms of Business and will be notified to you before you instruct us. We will always be happy to give you as much costing information as we can and as regularly as you require.
The transparency pricing indicators are estimates only. We also provide more detailed cost estimates and timescales when instructed and on regular intervals. If you wish to discuss our pricing and fee structure in further detail, please contact H. Dasare on 020 7511 7102 or by email
Where we apply the hourly rate which is be between £250 to £450 plus VAT, we will provide an estimate of the hours we expect to spend working on your matter and we will give you an estimate of the cost at each stage of the process. An estimate is just that and is not a quotation or a fixed fee. An estimate is made on the assessment of the time likely to be spent, the complexity of the matter, the research required and contact with you and/or any other bodies. There may be occasions when we may need to increase our estimate or chargeable rate. You will be informed about this well in advance of any work being undertaken. We will always endeavour to provide you with the best information possible about the likely overall cost of the matter at the beginning of the matter and where we need to amend this estimate.
Where our Barrister is required on your matter, Barrister’s fees are set in line with their seniority and we will obtain quotations on your behalf and agree them with you before committing you to them. These are also likely to be on a time spent basis, however they are often lower than solicitor’s fees in light of their substantially lower overheads.